Firearm Grit Blasting Service
Greystone Defense Finishing firearm grit blasting services provides superior surface preparation prior to Type III anodizing guaranteeing a matte, lusterless, and non-reflective finish. Several types of automated blasting units, along with our custom-made blasting fixtures and a variety of media types and sizes, provide consistent results and optimized production output for any part type.
We have invested significant capital for increased capacity to support high volume demands and have optimized our blast process for our firearm grit blasting services. We also offer pre-phosphate blast per MIL-DTL-16232 specifications.
Our customer focused and highly trained staff will provide dedicated assistance for your firearm grit blasting requirements. We also have vast experience in supporting defense contracts and associated first article and certification requirements.
Contact or call Greystone Defense Finishing at either Greystone of Virginia 757-566-8070 or Greystone-Induplate 401-231-5770 for all of your firearm grit blasting service needs. We are vertically integrated for multiple applications, offer superior quality, large production capabilities, and expedited turnaround times.